EW vs. School District of Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Special Education Hearing Officer DECISION Child’s Name: E.W. Date of Birth: [redacted] Date of Hearing: July 15, 2014 CLOSED HEARING ODR Case # 15180-1314AS Parties to the Hearing: Parent[s] School District of Philadelphia 440 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 Representative: Jason Fortenberry, Esq. 1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Benjamin […]

JP vs. Christina Stephanos, Esquire

DECISION COVER SHEET This cover sheet contains personally identifiable information and should be removed before any dissemination of the decision to the public. DUE PROCESS SPECIAL EDUCATION HEARING FILE NUMBER: 14020/12-13AS PETITIONER/SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEA): Warrior Run School District SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNSEL: Christina Stephanos, Esquire STUDENT: J.P. RESPONDENT/PARENT: [Redacted] COUNSEL FOR STUDENT/PARENT Phillip Drumheiser, Esquire INITIATING […]