This is a redacted version of the original decision. Select details have been removed
from the decision to preserve anonymity of the student. The redactions do not affect the
substance of the document.
Child’s Name: B.T.
Date of Birth: [redacted]
Date(s) of Hearing: August 31, 2006; September 7, 2006
ODR NO. 6524/05-06 AS
Parents Parent[s]
School District:
Derry Township School District 30 E. Granada Avenue
P. O. Box 898
Hershey, PA 17033-0898
Parents’ Representative:
Y vonne Husic, Esq.
Husic Law Office
2215 Forest Hills Dr., Suite 35 Harrisburg, PA 17112
District Representative:
Gina DePietro, Esq.
Sweet, Stevens, Tucker & Katz P. O. Box 5069
New Britain, PA 18901
Dated Transcript Received:
Date Closing Arguments Received: 9/24/06
Date Record Closed: 9/24/06
Date of Decision: 10/8/06
Hearing Officer: Margaret Drayden, Esq.
Student is a [teenager] who has received special education services since [Student] was 3 years old. In January 2005, while attending [redacted] School District, [Student] was placed on a 3-month instruction-in-the-home placement at Parent’s request due to misbehaviors and Parent’s concerns. Student remained in that placement and in December 2005 and moved into the District with an expired NOREP and an IEP which would expire within days. The District offered an IU center-based program which Parent rejected. Parent filed for a due process hearing for failure to provide FAPE in a LRE.
1. The parties agreed that occupational therapy services provided during the 2005-06 school year were provided.
2. The parties agreed that the speech and language services identified in the April 2006 proposed IEP are appropriate.