Due Process Hearing for G.B.
ODR File No. 7821/06-07 AS
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
Dates of Hearing: August 27, August 29, and September 26, 2007 – Open Hearing
Parties to the Hearing:
Garnet Valley School District 80 Station Road
Glen Mills, PA 19342-1284
Catherine Reisman, Esq. Montgomery, McCracken, Walker
& Rhoads
123 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19109-1030
Gina DePietro, Esq. Sweet, Stevens, Tucker & Katz P.O. Box 5069
New Britain, PA 18901
Hearing Officer: Debra K. Wallet, Esq.
Record Closed: October 10, 2007
Date of Decision: October 25, 2007
Student is a xx-year-old (date of birth xx/xx/xx) entering kindergarten at the [redacted] School [hereinafter Private School]. Student’s parents reside within the Garnet Valley School District [hereinafter School District].
Student has been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech and received early intervention services from the intermediate unit consisting of speech therapy and occupational therapy. When Parents failed to approve the proposed IEP for kindergarten placement in the regular classroom with pull-out services, they enrolled Student in Private School.
The issue is whether or not the School District offered an appropriate program and placement. If not, should Parents’ request for tuition reimbursement be granted?
1. Did the School District offer Student a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) based upon the July 18, 2007 revised IEP?
2. Are Parents entitled to reimbursement for Private School tuition?