Due Process Hearing for GT

Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
ODR File Number: 6924-06-07/KE

Dates of Hearing: November 2, 2006 December 6, 2006, December 15, 2006, December 20, 2006

Parties: M/M

Palmyra Area School District 1125 Park Drive
Palmyra, PA 17078


Amy Slody, Esq.
41 E. Orange St. Lancaster, PA 17602

Steven Russell, Esq. Susquehanna Commerce Ctr. Suite 600
221 W. Philadelphia St. York, PA 17401

Date Final Transcript/Exhibits Received: December 28, 2006

Date Closing Statements Received/ Record Closed: January 19, 2007

Date of Decision: February 4, 2007

Hearing Officer: Joy Waters Fleming, Esq


Student is currently in the fourth grade at the Private School. From kindergarten through the third grade he attended school in the District. At the end of his third grade year, Parent’s unilaterally placed Student at the Private School


Was Student denied FAPE during the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years because the District failed to develop:

a) program that adequately addressed his ADHD and anxiety issues;

b) a program that addressed his speech and language deficits in phonological awareness, phonological memory and rapid naming;

c) A program that addressed his word deficits when speaking;

d) a program that addressed his dysgraphia;

e) a program to address his deficits in developing basic reading skills an implement the Wilson reading program;

f) a program to address his reading comprehension skills.

Was Student denied FAPE because he failed to make appropriate progress in math skills?

Are Parents entitled to reimbursement for the IEE performed by Dr. K?

Did the District deny Student FAPE because he was not provided with ESY during the summer of 2006?

Did the District offer Student an appropriate program placement for the 2006-2007 school year?

If Student was not offered an appropriate program and placement, is Student entitled to tuition reimbursement for his attendance at the Private School as well as transportation?


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