Due Process Hearing
HH (#7400/06-07 AS)
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
Date of Hearing: March 26 & April 3, 2007
Closed Hearing
Parties to the Hearing Parent
School District Sugar Valley Rural Charter School
Representative Andrew Phillips, Esq.
J. David Smith, Esq.
Transcript Completed
April 9, 2007
Date of Decision
April 13, 2007
Hearing Officer David Y. K. Lee
Student is an xx -year-old student in the Sugar Valley Rural Charter School (hereafter School). Student is an eligible student and is currently in the 12th grade. The parent disagreed with the Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (hereafter NOREP) issued by the School and requested a due process hearing.
1. Is Student entitled to an Independent Educational Evaluation (hereafter IEE) at public expense? (N.T. 17-18, 25. H.O. #1.)
2. Is Student’s IEP appropriate? (N.T. 17, 24-25, 33. H.O. #1.)
3. Is Student entitled to compensatory education? (N.T. 25, 477-478. H.O. #1.)