Child’s Name: MI
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
Date(s) of Hearing November 1, 2007; November 21, 2007; November 30, 2007; January 15, 2008; March 27, 2008
ODR NO. 7931/2007-08 LS
School District:
No. Allegheny S.D. 200 Hillvue Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Parents’ Representative:
Lilian Akin, Esq. 3510 Gerber Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15212
District Representative:
Student Brungo, Esq.
Maiello, Brungo & Maiello
1 Churchill Park, 3301 McCrady Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Date Final Transcript Received: April 1, 2008
Date Record Closed: April 25, 2008
Date of Decision: May 13, 2008*
Hearing Officer: Margaret Drayden, Esq.
*Decision was delayed due to a medical emergency.
Student is a xx-year-old student residing in the No. Allegheny School District (District). Student has attended District schools since first grade and qualifies as a student in need of special education due to mental retardation, autism, and speech and language needs. Student was in a part-time life skills support (LSS) classroom in elementary school but upon transitioning to middle school the District designated the placement as full-time in its proposed IEP. Parents disagreed with that change and requested a due process hearing.
1. Student’s date of birth is xx/xx/xx
2. Student has been a student in the District since 1st grade.
3. Student is currently a 7th grade student in the middle school.
4. The latest IEP, dated 6/2/06, indicates Student receives full-time LSS but Student is included in regular education for specials, lunch, and homeroom.
5. Student has been identified as a student in need of special education due to mental retardation, autism and his need for speech and language support.