6791/06-07 LS
File Number
MS, Student
Child’s Name
Xx/xx/xx Date of Birth
September 19 and October 3, 2006 Dates of Hearing
Type of Hearing For the Student:
Vincent M. Vangrossi, Esq. Vangrossi & Recchuiti
319 Swede Street Norristown, PA 19401
For the Methacton School District:
Lois Robinson, Director of Pupil Services Methacton School District
1001 Kriebel Mill Road
Norristown, PA 19403-1047
Sharon W. Montanye, Esq. Sweet, Stevens, Tucker & Katz 331 Butler Avenue
P.O. Box 5069
New Britain, PA 18901-5069
Dates of Hearing: September 19 and October 3, 2006
Date of Receipt of Transcript: October 8, 2006
Date Record Closed: October 23, 2006
Date of Decision: October 31, 2006
Hearing Officer: Daniel J. Myers
Student is a xx-year old resident with disabilities living within the Methacton School District (School District), who alleges that the School District has violated Student’s Section 504 plan. Student has not graduated, she has not attended school in two years, and she does not now desire a School District-based education. Student seeks, rather, a very specific award of compensatory education in the form of a cosmetology kit and 774 hours of cosmetology classes at the [redacted] Career Center (Career Center). For the reasons described below, I conclude that Student was denied FAPE when the School District failed to implement one of the requirements of the Section 504 plan and prevented Student from attending school for 19 school days. I award Student 104.5 hours of compensatory education.
Whether the School District has denied a free and appropriate public education to Student, entitling her to compensatory education in the forms of tuition at Career Center and a cosmetology kit?