Due Process Hearing for RC
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
ODR File Number: 7240/06-07/AS
Dates of Hearing: February 3, 2007, February 10, 2007
Central Bucks School District 16 Welden Drive Doylestown, PA 18901
Representative: Pro Se
Ms. Joanne Sommer, Esq. 60 E. Court St. Doylestown, PA 18901
Date Final Transcript/Exhibits Received: February 16, 2007
Date Closing Statements Received/ Record Closed: March 5, 2007
Date of Decision: March 19, 2007
Hearing Officer: Joy Waters Fleming, Esq.
Student, is currently xx years of age and in the eighth grade at the [redacted] School, “Parochial School”. (FF. 1) Parents unilaterally placed Student at the Parochial School at the commencement of the 2006-2007 school year. The District has requested this due process hearing for purpose of establishing the appropriateness of program offered to Student for the 2006-2007 school year.
Does the IEP offered to Student for implementation during the 2006-2007 constitute an offer of a free appropriate public education?