Special Education Hearing Officer

Child’s Name: R. R.
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
File Number: 8061-07-08 KE
Dates of Hearing: October 5, 2007; October 31, 2007; November 9, 2007


Parties to the Hearing:

Mr. and Mrs.

Souderton Area School District 760 Lower Road
Souderton, PA 18965-2311


Frederick Stanczak, Esq. 179 North Broad Street Doylestown, PA 18901

Karl Romberger, Esq.
Fox Rothschild O’Brien Frankel P.O. Box 431
Lansdale, PA 19446-0431

Date Transcript Received: November 20, 2007

Date Record Was Closed:1 November 26, 2007

Date of Decision: December 9, 2007

Hearing Officer Name: Gregory J. Smith


Student is a xx-year-old eligible student who resides with his parents within the area served by the Souderton Area School District (District). Student is eligible for special education and related services as a child with a disability who has been identified as having an other health impairment based on a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Student attended private schools through the 8th grade. Student enrolled in the District in the summer of 2005. After his enrollment Student’s parents sought an educational evaluation. In March 2007 that evaluation was completed. In April 2007 an individualized educational program was offered to and accepted by Student’s parents. That program was implemented in May 2007. In August 2007 Student’s parents requested the present due process hearing seeking two years of compensatory education, reimbursement for tuition and transportation for Student to attend a private boarding school, and an independent educational evaluation at District expense.


Must the Souderton Area School District provide Student with compensatory education?

Must the Souderton Area School District reimburse the parents of Student for their costs of tuition and transportation for Student’s attendance at the Military School?

Must the Souderton Area School District provide Student with an independent educational evaluation at District expense?


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