6033/05-06 AS File Number

R.S. Child’s Name

xx/xx/xx Date of Birth

February 16, 2006 Date of Hearing

Closed Type of Hearing

For the Student:


Pamela E. Berger, Esq.
312 Boulevard of the Allies Suite 600
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

For the North Hills School District:

Dr. Rita Neu
Supervisor of Special Education 135 Sixth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15229-1291

Michael J. Witherel, Esq. Witherel & Kovacik
966 Perry Highway Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Dates of Hearing: February 16, 2006

Date Transcript Received: February 23, 2006

Date of Decision: March 8, 2006

Hearing Officer: Daniel J. Myers


Student is a xx year old resident of the North Hills School District (School District) with autism for whom the School District has proposed an individualized education plan (IEP) for the 2005-2006 school year. Student’s parents dispute the appropriateness of that proposed IEP because they believe that it fails to comply with age-range restrictions. For the reasons described below, I find that the School District’s proposed IEP is appropriate.


Whether or not the Elementary School Life Skills program and placement offered by the School District is appropriate. In particular, the parties dispute the appropriateness of the student age ranges that will be permitted with Student in that classroom.


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