Special Education Hearing Officer

Child’s Name: Student

Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx

File Number: 5714/05-06 LS

Dates of Hearing: September 19, 2005; September 26, 2005; October 3, 2005; October 17, 2005


Parties to the Hearing:

Mr. and Mrs.

Red Lion Area School District 696 Delta Road
Red Lion, PA 17356-9185


Kelly Darr, Esq.
Janet A. Stocco, Esq. Education Law Center
1315 Walnut Street, 4th Fl. Philadelphia, Pa 19107-4717

Stephen S. Russell, Esq.
Stock and Leader
221 W. Philadelphia St., Suite 600 York, PA 17404

Date Transcript Received: October 24, 2005

Date of Decision:1 October 31, 2005

Hearing Officer Name: Gregory J. Smith


Student is an xx-year-old student with a disability who resides with his parents in the [Redacted] School District. Student has a profound hearing loss, cortical vision impairment, and seizure disorder. After receiving early intervention services from the IU, in June 2002 Student entered the [redacted] School for the Blind in [town and state redacted]. Student remained at School for the Blind until September 2004, when he returned home. Following offers of placement in an out of district, approved private school, Student’s parents began an in-home educational program for him. The present hearing was requested to address the following issues: compensatory education for the 2004-2005 school year, reimbursement of Student’s parents for their costs incurred in providing an in-home program during the 2004-2005 school year, reimbursement of Student’s parents for an IEE completed by Dr. J, and appropriate prospective placement.


Must the [Redacted] School District provide compensatory education to Student equivalent to the 2004-2005 school year?

Must the [Redacted] School District reimburse Student’s parents for their costs associated with providing Student with an in-home program during the 2004-2005 school year?

Must the [Redacted] School District reimburse Student’s parents for their costs related to an independent educational evaluation completed by Dr. J?

What is the appropriate prospective placement for Student?


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