Due Process Hearing
Student (#8679/07-08 AS)
Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx
Date of Hearing: May 29, August 4, 28, and September 10, 2008
Closed Hearing
Parties to the Hearing Parent
School District Woodland Hills
Pamela E. Berger, Esq.
Representative Barbara A. Rizzo, Esq.
Transcript Completed September 16, 2008
Date of Decision October 6, 2008
Hearing Officer David Y. K. Lee
Student is a teen-aged student in the Woodland Hills School District (hereafter District). Student was an eighth grade eligible student during the 2007-2008 school year at the West Junior High School (hereafter West) receiving Learning Support (hereafter LS) services. The parent asserted that Student was denied a Free Appropriate Public Education (hereafter FAPE) for the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years due to inappropriate Individualized Education Plans (hereafter IEPs) as well as peer-on-peer harassment. The District conceded that the 2007-2008 was inadequate1 but denied the harassment charges and the inadequacy of the 2006-2007 IEP .
1. Was Student denied a FAPE during the 2006-2007 school year? (N.T. 166.)
2. Was Student unduly subjected to peer-on-peer harassment, under Ch. 15/Sec.504, during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years? (N.T. 168.)
3. Is Student entitled to compensatory education? (N.T. 171.)