5961/05-06 KE
File Number
Child’s Name
Date of Birth
11/30/05, 1/13/06
Dates of Hearing
Type of Hearing
For the Student:
Mr. and Mrs. Parent [ ]
[ ]
Drew Christian, Esq. Attorney-at-Law 801 Monroe Avenue Scranton, PA 18510
For the Western Wayne School District:
Dr. Lorna Johns
Supervisor of Special Education Western Wayne School District P.O. Box 500
South Canaan, PA 18459-0158
Angela Januski, Esq.
Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin
401 Adams Avenue, Scranton Center 4th Floor Suite 400
Scranton, PA 18510
Dates of Hearing: November 30, 2005, and January 13, 2006
Date of Receipt of Last Transcript: January 18, 2006
Date of Decision: February 2, 2006
Hearing Officer: Daniel J. Myers
Student is a xx year old, sixth grade resident of the Western Wayne School District (School District) who was identified by the School District in November 2005 with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and a specific learning disability in the areas of reading, basic math, and written expression. His parents contend that the School District should have identified, and programmed for, Student’s disability as early as September 2004. For the reasons described below, I find for the Student.
Whether or not Student is entitled to compensatory education for any period since September 2004 due to a denial of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE)?