Tina Fiorentino
Child Advocate
Tina Fiorentino has 18 years of experience working with the special education community. As a parent advocate, Mrs. Fiorentino is committed to educating, equipping and empowering parents with special education advocacy strategies to protect their children’s educational rights. A parent of a child with special needs, she is well versed in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504, and other federal laws that protect civil rights for students with disabilities and their families.
Tina is an advocate experienced in special education, inclusion and private placement. Focusing on the cultivation of partnerships among families, community members and educators that support student achievement and school relationships. The key to educational success for children with disabilities is communication with parents and educators. Accessing and protecting the rights of students to enable an education with parents to advocates for their children, especially children with a learning or physical disability.
Fiorentino believes that advocacy is a largely positive process, which should build on your child’s strengths and challenges. As your child’s best advocate, you are in a unique position to identify and implement positive changes, sometimes you just need a little help. Parents have had tremendous success utilizing Tina as a non-attorney parent advocate to review records, attend IEP meetings and to ultimately help resolve differences, plan and negotiate an appropriate educational program for their children.
Fiorentino is the founder of a non-profit organization which serves the blind and visually impaired community. Tina serves as a consultant for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, providing resources and support services for children and their families.
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