CM vs. West Chester Area School District
Pennsylvania Special Education Hearing Officer West Chester Area School District 782 Springdale Drive Exton, PA 19341 IN RE: Final Decision and Order CM West Chester Area School District The Scope of the Dispute Over the span of the Student’s four years in high school, the Parents filed four due process Complaints. 1 In two of […]
Recent Special Education Settlements:
Best Restaurants for Kids in Philadelphia
What are the best restaurants for kids in Philadelphia? We get this question often from parents visiting our office from outside of the city, so we decided to put together a list of Philadelphia’s most kid friendly restaurants. Phillymag had a similar article detailing the best restaurants for kids in Philadelphia, which you can check out […]
I want to sue my child’s charter school
I want to sue my child’s charter school What type of lawyer do I need to sue my child’s charter school? We are often asked by perspective clients, “How can I sue my child’s charter school?” and, “What type of lawyer do I need to sue my child’s charter school?” While any properly licensed lawyer […]
People-First Language
“People-first language” – What it people-first language and why is people-first language important to people with disabilities. One of the biggest challenges in the lives of people with disabilities is the fact that they are often perceived as being different, and might feel labeled as such by society. People-first language is a particular type of […]
Protecting your Kids from Cyberbullying
Protecting your Kids from Cyberbullying In today’s world, spending time on social media websites is a part of the natural fabric of society. This is particularly true for the younger generation, who seem to love using the web to keep in touch with their friends and to interact with the people they know. According to […]
Shortage of Special Education Teachers
What’s going on with the shortage of special education teachers? In many states, such as Oklahoma, there is a shortage of special education teachers. Tulsa World reports that “Special education teachers have become so scarce that districts face fierce competition to find and keep good candidates and sometimes leave open positions unfilled.” Job applicants are few […]
Lawyer to Sue Schools
Lawyer to Sue Schools What would make a parent search for a lawyer to sue schools? How do parents even know that there are attorneys that focus their practice on education law? In this post, we ask 3 different parents to answer 4 important questions. Their individual experiences will help you navigate the special education […]
Back to School IEP Issues
Back to School IEP Issues Summer is winding down and it’s time to start thinking about back to school IEP issues. Hopefully, the summer slide wasn’t too extreme for your child. If your child received Extended School Year (ESY) services, hopefully, the services were productive and not just school based babysitting. If your child did […]
Betsy DeVos and Special Education
Betsy DeVos and Special Education It may be an understatement to say President Trump has made controversial decisions since his election win on November 8th. From reformed immigration policies to the revamping of financial legislation, no decision has seen such widespread resistance from the right and left than the nomination and confirmation of Betsy DeVos […]